Thank you all for standing with United Way in the attempt to make the world a better place every day. The easiest way you can help us reach out to those who need help is by directing 2% of your income taxes to our programs.
Last year, the funds received through the 2% scheme allowed us to offer over 120 vocational trainings to youth coming out of foster care, single mothers or adults in difficult situations. This way, they had the chance to find a job and support their family.
You can also help us, with no extra cost, to do more for even more people..
Download and fill in the 230 form (for regular employees) or the 200 form (for self employed people) and send it by mail to the fiscal administration you belong to.
If you are not sure, you can send it to our office in Blvd. Dimitrie Pompeiu 9-9A, Raiffeisen Learning Campus, Sector 2, 020335, Bucharest and we will take care of the rest.
The forms have to reach the administration by 25th of May. If you send it to our office, be sure to do it in due time.
Last but not least, don’t forget to tell other how easy it is to help.
Thank you for caring!