The United Way Romania Gala is a traditional annual event which, since 2005, rewards the efforts of all those involved in the Foundation’s projects in the previous year.

The United Way Romania 2020 Gala was carefully prepared for March 2020, in a collective effort and with the support of our sponsors and partners. For obvious reasons, we were unable to get together on March 16, at the 15th edition of the Gala, to recognize the implication of the partners who supported the foundation’s programs in 2019: companies, organizations, donors and volunteers who, through their efforts and acts of generosity, have helped to build a bridge of hope for the future we wish for.

This year, United Way Romania awarded prizes to a number of 28 companies and 40 major individual donors. Also, 3 organizations, 5 volunteers and 9 teachers and specialists from the non-profit sector were awarded. The winners were chosen from a total of over 260 United Way partners: companies, non-profit organizations, institutions and authorities that support the work of United Way Romania, as well as from the more than 1,568 volunteers who contributed with time, knowledge and their expertise on the United Way mission.

Looking back and thinking about everything we have achieved, we understood that the support of United Way Romania represents, for the community, a real bridge that connects, unites and always goes forward. It unites the disadvantaged children, young people and the elderly’s need for help with our desire to give, with the power of the many to do good deeds, whom we want to thank. It is like a bridge that opens roads always going forward, paths to a better future. But the most important binder of it all are the people. Those governed by the spirit of generosity, driven by the desire to do good, who put their arms together in order to move things and to help those in need.”, declared Adriana Dobrea, Executive Director, United Way România.

United Way Romania addresses special thanks to its partners for supporting the organization’s programs. In 2019, with the support of 130 companies, over 3,500 individual donors, 40 major donors and 1,568 volunteers, we managed to help a total of 12,979 people: children and young people, families and elderly who face social problems. and teachers. 8,763 children from disadvantaged backgrounds were helped to continue their education, 545 people received vocational counseling for labor market integration and 1,381 children and 601 adults and the elderly benefited from medical services through United Way Romania’s programs.

We would like to thank the sponsors of the 2020 Gala, who stayed near us for this event’s planning:

Regina Maria, GlaxoSmithkline, Kinstellar, DLA Piper, Asseco SEE, LCL Grup, Cheil-Centrade and Dacris.

We fight together hoping to fulfill the dreams of those who need help. But this bridge of hope will never be completed without the efforts of donors, companies, volunteers, organizations and people involved in this endeavor, whom we want to thank. We also hope that they will stay with us and continue to recover what has been lost, to rebuild and develop the communities that need us.

We invite you to access our social media pages, to see the Virtual Gala album! We will be happy to get reactions, comments and shares: sharing is caring!

United Way România Gala 2020

Alexis de Tocqueville Trophies – dedicated to the the people who contribute with a yearly donation of $10,000 or more

Leadership Donors (people contributing with a yearly donation of $1,000 or more)

Platinum Partners (companies contributing yearly with $100.000 or more)

Gold Partners (companies contributing yearly with $50.000 or more)

Silver Partners (companies contributing yearly with $25.000 or more)

Bronze Partners (companies contributing yearly with $10.000 or more)

„Link to the Future” Awards – (dedicated to the projects’ specialists)

„Bridge over Time” Awards (dedicated to partener organizations)

„Professionals of Good Deeds” Awards (companies offering pro-bono services)

„Care for the Others” Awards (individual volunteering)

„Initiatives that Transform the Community” (companies volunteering)



The full list of United Way România 2020 Gala Awards

Tocqueville Donors contributing with a yearly donation of $10,000 or more

Steven van Groningen

Valeria Răcilă van Groningen

Peter Weiss

Marian Dinu

Vladimir Kalinov

Lidia Fați și Dan Fați

Ioana Hațegan

Andrei Pogonaru

Mariana Gheorghe

Radu Florescu

Jeff Sullivan și Roxana Sullivan

Adrian Mihai

Neculai Mihai

Felix Pătrășcanu

Laura Khouri

Michael K. Hayde

Ioannis Papalekas

Horia Manda

Octavian Radu și Anca Radu

Daniel Badea

Dan Ștefan

Thomas Christian Knobel


Leadership Donors – contributing with a yearly donation of $1,000 or more

Călin Avram

Cristian Popescu

Ileana Farmache

Alexandra Florea

Cristina Popescu

Maria Tomescu

Irina Kubinschi

Florin Lincaru

Monica Udrescu

Cristina Grigorescu

Bogdan Bibicu

Daniela Toader și Șerban Toader

Metchild Gollnick

Victor Geus

Felix Negoiță

And three donors who wish to remain anonymous.


Platinum Partners – companies contributing yearly with $100.000 or more

Globalworth Foundation

Profi Rom Food

Raiffeisen Bank


Gold Partners – companies contributing yearly with $50.000 or more

Timken Foundation of Canton

Velux Foundations


Silver Partners – companies contributing yearly with $25.000 or more

Hațegan Foundation


Metropolitan Foundation

Nepi Rockcastle

Pro TV

Raiffeisen Assett Management


Bronze Partners – companies contributing yearly with $10.000 or more



Castrol Lubricants

Colliers International

DLA Piper

Franklin Templeton Investment

Geometry Global Romania

Kruk Romania


Metropolitan Life

Nobel Globe

Reƫeaua Privată de Sănătate Regina Maria

B & B Collection


„Link to the Future” Award – dedicated to the projects’ specialists

Banhegyesy Tunde – Serviciul de Ajutor Maltez în România

Emilia Moraru – Asociația Filantropică Medical – Creștină Christiana, Centrul de Asistență Medico-Socială Sf. Pantelimon

Cristina Popa – Fundația Dezvoltarea Popoarelor, Filiala Cluj

Speranța Hepcal  – Societatea pentru Copii și Părinți – SCOP

Andrea Iștoc  – Asociația Serviciilor Sociale C.O.P.I.I.

Ramona Vlai – Asociația TIMAR

Lucian Biru – Organizația Umanitară Concordia

Adriana Constantinescu – Fundația Joyo

Mihai Bajku – Asociația Casa de Ajutor Reciproc a Pensionarilor ,,Omenia” București


„Bridge over Time” Award – dedicated to partener organizations

Fundația Providența

A.C.T.O.R. Asociația Culturală pentru Teatru și Origami din România

Fundația Timișoara ‘89


„Professionals of Good Deeds” Awards – companies offering pro-bono services

Cheil-Centrade – PR, graphics and design services

Dacris – print and production

DLA Piper – legal advice services

KPMG – accounting and payroll services


„Care for the Others” Awards – individual volunteering

Irina Anca Mureșan – reading club

Adriana Simu – ,,Floare de colț” Campaign

Ioana Apa – mentoring

Ruxandra Groza – activities with the children enrolled in the day centers

Gabriel Blăniță – supporter of United Way Romania at Bucharest International Marathon, october 2019


„Initiatives that Transform the Community” – companies volunteering




Nobel Globe