A new school year has begun. For most of us, it started with hopes, as always, but also with fears, as in the last two years. For children from disadvantaged backgrounds, this start comes with another feeling, that of insecurity. The uncertainty of tomorrow, the uncertainty that they will have something to eat, something to wear, something to write with, not only in the first month, but all year round. When these uncertainties enter the broken backpack of a year ago, which they are ready to wear again this year, the joy of the new beginning fades. For them, for these children who want to go to school, but the daily difficulties stand in their way, we start the fundraising campaign with the call: Help them go to school today so they can thrive tomorrow!
Through education projects, carried out by United Way Romania, we annually support over 6000 children not to drop out of school, which is the only way they can break the cycle of poverty in which they were born.
How United Way education projects work
To ensure our success, we approach education in its complexity and involve all members who can influence this process: parents, teachers, children. Parents are in constant communication with our specialists in order to provide at home the support their children need to learn. Teachers are constantly trained to work with vulnerable groups and to find the most appropriate methods of communication with both parents and children.
And because you can’t study on an empty stomach, we provide children in difficulty first with a warm meal or a healthy snack, then with the necessary support to assimilate school subjects through after-school activities, but also non-formal activities, reading clubs, or trips. All meant to awaken in these children the pleasure of learning.
Last but not least, we know that you learn best when you explain to someone else, so we also initiated a tutoring program in which older children, who received help through the program, help their younger colleagues with homework. It is their way of giving back to the community in which they grow and which they support to grow.
How can you support us
Today we plant education, in order to harvest in the future young people with more self-confidence, adults able to support their families and, as a whole, a more prosperous community. It is a long-term effort that requires long-term investment. Therefore, our campaign will show its fruits in time, but we know that we will all enjoy them.
All these actions are long term, and the financial effort is worth it. Join us to help children from disadvantaged comunities go to school.
To facilitate the donation process, we have created several involvement options:
- Donate online
- Donate via Facebook. Possibility offered by our partners from Romanian United Fund
- Send an SMS: Text VIITOR and DONATE MONTHLY 4 euros to 8864 or 2 euros to 8844
Help them go to school today,
So they can thrive tomorrow!