United Way Romania is a Romanian foundation affiliated with United Way Worldwide, USA, whose activity focuses on the three directions that lay the foundations of a prosperous community: access to a quality education, which leads to professional training, integration into the labor market, a enough income to support one’s own family and access to health services.
We act as a community organizer by mobilizing an extensive network of community partners – NGOs, companies, public institutions, civil society leaders, donors and volunteers – to coordinate their efforts to produce a collective impact.
In 2022, with the support of over 100 companies, over 3,800 individual donors, 47 major donors and 1,350 volunteers, we managed to support a total number of over 13,000 vulnerable people.
Each donated amount goes entirely to the project you want to support, as United Way Romania uses 100% of individual donations to support vulnerable people.
Or donate through bank transfer in one of the United Way Donation accounts:
Fundatia United Way of Romania
CUI 16579546
In RON: RO67 RZBR 0000 0600 0510 0708
In EUR: RO72 RZBR 0000 0600 0805 8342
In USD: RO97 RZBR 0000 0600 0520 4928
Redirect up to 3.5% of income or pension tax
Thus, you help us to support children who come from families who are trying very hard to stay in school. Download and complete form 230 here (if you are employed or retired) and send it by post to the tax administration you belong to or to our headquarters: Bd. Dimitrie Pompeiu, no. 6E, floor 6, Pipera Business Tower building, sector 2, 020337, Bucharest, until the end of April and we will take care of its submission.
Or, more simply, download the form, fill in the editable fields, sign using the electronic signature, scan it and send it by email to office@unitedway.ro.
Do you have independent income?
For income from other sources (assignment of the use of goods, copyrights, PFA, etc.): complete the Single Declaration. After completing your personal data, add the United Way Romania data to section 6, point B: United Way Romania Foundation – Drumul Împreună Romania, tax identification code of the non-profit entity/cult unit: 16579546, bank account (IBAN): RO 67 RZBR 0000 0600 0510 0708.
Corporate sponsorships
Each year, socially responsible companies join the United Way to solve the most pressing issues in the community.
Redirect 20% of the tax
Taxpayers who carry out sponsorships, according to the law, have the possibility to reduce the profit tax due to the state budget, up to the limit of 0.75% of the turnover (applicable percentage starting from July 29, 2019), but not more than 20% from the profit tax due. The facility also applies to microenterprise income tax payers, up to 20% of the tax owed.
Sponsorships made in 2021 that exceed the ceiling of the financial and fiscal year 2021 are the last amounts of this nature that can be carried forward and used in the future, until 2028.
Contact us to send your sponsorship contract: adriana.dobrea@unitedway.ro, tel. 021 3064970.
Workplace Giving
United Way raises important funds through payroll giving.
If your employer is a United Way corporate partner, you can choose to contribute with a fix amount from your every month’s salary.
Leadership Circle
Donors who give $1,000 or more a year automatically become part of United Way’s Leadership Circle.
The Tocqueville Society
Donors who give $10,000 or more a year join the exclusive Alexis de Tocqueville Society, among most generous philanthropists who accepted a leadership role in making major financial contributions to our community through United Way.
Donation by SMS
Send VIITOR, by SMS at 8844 and donate 2 euros/month, so that an underprivileged child can go to school and continue his education.
Donation by Direct Debit
Direct debit is a safe method and under the absolute control of the donor. The donation can be increased, decreased or stopped at any time. To donate by Direct Debit please fill in your details at this link and we will contact you as soon as possible.
Thank you for your support and for helping our community!