All children have the right to education, regardless of the environment they were born in. However, in Romania only a third of vulnerable children graduate primary school. If their parents struggle with everyday life, children’s education does not come as a priority. Without real opportunities and constant access to education, the majority of these children are at risk of becoming adults with economical difficulties, unable to support their families.
United Way takes a holistic approach to developing educational capacity. Education is more than just a classroom or a teacher. In order for youth to receive a quality education, it takes the focus and resources of the entire community to create learning-rich environments where dreams are fueled and opportunities are delivered to those who need them.
Our main programs in education are:
- Learn to succeed
- Nesting a brighter future for children
- Education for future
- Reading adventure
- Learn to succeed – Community Integrated Services
In 2022, United Way Romania supported a number of 7,936 children, from disadvantaged backgrounds, not to interrupt their education, as follows:
■ 3,357 children from poor communities had access to integrated services to prevent school dropout;
■ 1,800 children hospitalized for a long period of time participated in educational and art therapy programs;
■ 1,650 children from foster care centers and public schools from disadvantaged backgrounds had access to educational activities;
■ 1,129 children from disadvantaged backgrounds benefited from literacy activities;
■ 923 parents participated in the Parents’ Academy, during which they were supported to develop their parenting skills and benefited from psycho-social counseling;
■ 421 teachers participated in the Teachers’ Academy – meetings with specialists where practical aspects related to work with children and young people in vulnerable situations were addressed;
■ 155 teachers participated in the course Systemic management of the student class, where the topics related to communication and relationships in the school environment, the positive approach to difficult behaviors, techniques and methods to stimulate active learning, as well as the role of the school in the community and the importance of community involvement.