United Way Romania is a Romanian foundation, registered under Romanian law in June 2004 and affiliated with United Way Worldwide, USA. It is an independent body, separately incorporated and governed by local volunteers.
Our vision is of strong, supportive communities committed to helping people reach their potential.
Our mission is to improve lives in our communities through giving and volunteerism.
To engage more companies and individuals in CSR, philanthropic and volunteering activities.
To enable social services NGOs to offer higher quality services to our community members.
To promote transparency and professionalism.
To support government institutions and the civil society in their efforts to build prosperous communities.
We develop and support education, financial stability and health programs the pillars of a prosperous community. We envision strong, supportive communities, where quality education leads to a stable job, provides a decent income that can support a family, and leads to good education and good health, and we involve people and organizations in innovative solutions that turn this vision into reality.
Every year, United Way`s partner companies and their employees, donors and volunteers help those in need to have a better life, contributing, through their resources and expertise, to change the community they are a part of. United Way Romania’s programs annually support over 11,500 children, young people and the elderly in highly vulnerable situations.