Can you imagine your child not having a new school bag at the beginning of the school year? Many children in Romania live this reality. Without a schoolbag, without school supplies, without the right clothes, starting school becomes an event devoid of the joy and anticipation we all remember. You can change that! With only 300 lei, you can offer to a child a new schoolbag, a complete pencil case and all the necessary school supplies for an entire school year. Help us give these children a chance for a better future!

Poverty is the main reason why many children drop out of school, especially in the early years. Lack of financial resources makes education a luxury that many families cannot afford. Statistical data and recent PISA results show that Romania faces a major problem in terms of equality in education.

For 20 years, United Way Romania has been providing support to disadvantaged children and their families. Through our educational programs, of which we mention the main ones Reading Adventure and Learn to succeed, we support more than 7,000 children in 10 counties. We provide integrated services for children, parents and teachers and ensure that every child has access to education, regardless of circumstances.

What does it mean to support a child?

• A new schoolbag full of school supplies gives the child confidence and motivates them to learn.
• The right clothes help them not to feel different from their colleagues and not to stand out because of their shortcomings.
• Comfortable footwear allows the student to participate in all school activities.

Why is education important?

Education is the key to a better future. Through education, children can develop their skills, which in adulthood will help them to find a job and thereby build an independent life. Investing in education is an investment in the future of our entire society.

How can you help?

Donate: Any amount donated can make a big difference. Use the code SCOALA and donate at


Send an SMS: Send FUTURE via SMS to 8844 and DONATE 2 euros MONTHLY*

Spread the word! The more people learn that they can do much good with little effort, the sooner we can see the impact of everyone’s involvement. Thank you for telling your friends and colleagues about United Way and the way they can support underprivileged children at the beginning of the school year!

Specifically, what do the donated amounts represent?

  • 300 lei – a complete set of school supplies, pencil case and schoolbag
  • 200 lei – clothes suitable for the first day of school
  • 150 lei – a new pair of shoes
  • 50 lei – notebooks needed for one school year

When you offer a schoolbag full of hope to a vulnerable child, you offer to them a future!

* The value of the Donation is 2 Euro/month. The amount allocated to the cause is 2 Euros. No VAT is charged for subscription donations. In the Digi Mobil, Orange and Telekom Romania Mobile networks, for prepaid cards, VAT was withheld when purchasing the credit. For donations on prepaid cards, users do not pay VAT in the Vodafone network. Campaign carried out with the support of Digi Mobil, Orange Romania, Telekom Romania Mobile and Vodafone Romania. To unsubscribe, send the message VIITOR STOP to the number 8844. Contact UNITED WAY ROMANIA: +40 21 306 4970.